Saturday, 21 May 2011

Help us add a bit of joy

Born campaign for Chilsdren's Hospice South West

When Eva and Georgina started Born 11 years ago an important part of the idea was for Born to play a very active role within local communities, especially with charities.

In the past we’ve worked with many not for profit organisations who support mums, parents and of course babies and toddlers – everything from raising money for the Southmead milk bank to supporting UNICEF campaigns overseas.

As part of our efforts this year we wanted to help a very special charity – Children’s Hospice South West.  It’s a truly remarkable organisation that achieves amazing results for the children that they support.

I first came into contact with them when I helped with some of their fundraising efforts a few years ago.   What I found was an incredible team headed by Eddie, husband of the founder Jill Farwell.

Their eldest children, Katie and Tom, had life limiting illnesses and were being cared for at the UK’s then only hospice in Oxford.  The regular long drive from Cornwall to Oxford was the spur to raise money so that the South West could have its own hospice, meaning that parents could spend longer with their children before the children sadly passed away.

Twenty years on and they have two hospices- one nr Barnstaple and one just outside of Bristol in North Somerset.  But they need money – not only for the on-going costs of the two hospices but because they’re determined to build a third in Cornwall.

When I’ve visited Charlton Farm Hospice in North Somerset I’ve always been struck that it feels like a home, rather than a hospice – it doesn’t feel clinical, medical or frightening, it feels like a place where people genuinely care for each other and the children are given the very best experience possible.

This Spring we wanted to give a little more joy to the children so with our friends from Taga in the Netherlands we’re donating one of Taga’s brilliant multi-purpose bikes.  We thought they’d be a fantastic way to talk some of the less abled children out and about to enjoy the Spring air and see the beautiful countryside.

We'd like you to help us!

We’re not after money, we’re asking for a message of support.

We’re asking for just a few words of support for the children, all of who have life limiting conditions.  And once we’ve reached a 1000 we’re going to decorate the Taga bike with all the messages of support and deliver it to the Hospice.

Why 1000?  Because there are currently over a 1000 children in the South West with a life limiting condition.

We’d really appreciate your help – simply go to our Facebook page and add a little message on the chsw tab.

Add a little bit of joy.  Thanks

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