Friday, 28 October 2011

Sleeping with your baby

sleeping with your baby There's lot of coverage this morning in the press relating to the merits of sleeping with your baby.  Everyone from the Telegraph to the Daily Mail seems to be reviewing a piece of research by the paediatrician Dr Nils Bergman.

It seems there are always two stories that editors can guarantee will cause plenty of impassioned  reader comments  - breastfeeding and of course sleeping with your baby!

Of course we wouldn't wish to criticise anyone for giving their personal account of their experience of either subject - no doubt all are real experiences, good and bad.  However the power and vividness of personal stories shouldn't deter anyone from reaching their own opinion, when supported by the actual research rather than the interpretation by a newspaper journalist.

So, if you're interested in the evidence behind the story, here it is and hope you enjoy.

Should Neonates Sleep Alone

Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants

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