The Bits and Bobs you will need:
1. A lovely ball of brown double knitting wool.
2. Some dark brown, light brown and yellow felt.
3. Thin card.
4. A jam jar lid and medium sized coin.
5. Kid friendly scissors.
6. A stick o’ glue.
7. A nice, sharp, pencil.
Step 1 – Cut, cut, cut.
On the card, draw around the jam jar lid twice, then create an inner circle by drawing around the coin. Cut out the large circles and carefully cut out the inner circles leaving you with two rings. This is a wee bit fiddly!
Step 2- Get wrapping!
Now then, place the two rings together. Taking your wool, four strands at a time, tie the wool to the rings then start wrapping it around the rings. Ensure you cover the card evenly. Continue to do this until the hole in the middle is totally filled. Make sure you have a nice cuppa on the go as it may take a while!
Step 3 – Pom-pom-tastic
Now for the reveal! Take your scissors and carefully cut around the edge of the rings between the two pieces of card. Slip in a piece of wool around the centre of the ring and tie it really tightly. Now rip out the card (this bit is so much fun!) and reveal your pompom! Ta da!
Step 4 – Ta da
Cut out the shapes for Willow’s claws, wings, beak, tufts and eyes from the felt and then glue onto her perfectly formed pom-pom body. And hey presto! You have yourself a lovely little Willow! Twit-to-woo
A huge thank you to Joel Henriques from for his fantastic ideas and inspiration.
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