Friday, 10 February 2012

Bizarre Daily Telegraph breastfeeding rant!

I've a question - is it only English journalists who use any news opportunity to bring up and discuss their own views and experiences on breastfeeding?

Daily Telegraph article on Breastfeeding lactavist at Facebook
This morning an article appeared in the normally brilliant technology page on the Telegraph website.  The article started by reporting the actions at Facebook headquarters of Breastfeeding supporters protesting at the slightly muddled policy Facebook takes towards breastfeeding images on the site.

Great - informative, timely and fairly reported.  What then followed is a bizarre collection of seemingly unrelated breastfeeding issues based on the reporters personal experiences and views upon Lactivists.   It covered everything from Breast milk ice cream through to NCT bullies to the closure of Hooters.

All of these may be interesting but they seemed to have less to do with Facebook and more to do with the journalist (who as I said is normally great) looking for any opportunity to vent her 'issues' on the subject.

In contrast, a quick flick through newspapers from elsewhere around the globe gives a very different approach - they offer a simply report of the events and some context to the ongoing Facebook dispute.

Is it just an English thing to obsess with the activities of those who actively support Breastfeeding?

Here's a great video from the Irish demonstration

Breastfeeding mums and Facebook

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