It's been a busy week in the shops and online with everyone preparing for Christmas, and for me personally preparing for Maya's 15th birthday on Christmas Eve. This week also included the winter solstice, the day with the shortest number of daylight hours; I look forward to the days getting longer from then on in.
There has been a lot of rain this week and I sometimes find it easier to don wellies rather than get shoes or boots wet. On the school run it's always cute to watch the little kids being told 'don't jump in the puddles' and then watch them do exactly that. Read my blog on 'The Power of Don't' for how to guide children to where you want them to be.
We had some super cute baby comforters arrive this week. Label Label friends (pictured above) are lovely and soft and are covered with labels, especially for when a baby goes through the phase of just being attracted to labels and not the toy!
The Stokke offer that just started this week is already proving popular, and so it should as 20% off the Stokke cot package is a real bargain. Once Christmas is over, those with babies due early in the year focus on their baby purchases so it can be a busy time for us.
We are just putting the finishing touches to our new home, category and brand pages which will be going live any day now.
Hope you are enjoying this family time of year and wish you a fantastic 2013.
With Love
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