The new Phil&Teds Smart Lux stroller arrived in Bristol yesterday and as I was there I got to put it up and have a play.
All gear comes with instructions but I like to see if I can work it out myself - just to see how simple things are to construct. I did refer to the instructions but didn't need to follow them to the letter as it was quite a simple stroller to construct out of the box. Wheels clicked into place very easily, and bassinet/seat just a simple to click into place. The only thing that I couldn't work out for myself was the opening and closing mechanism which required a push as well as a slide, but once you realise that, the whole folding and unfolding became a doddle.
What I really liked about this stroller is that the seat turns into a bassinet so that you can have a baby in it from birth but they are as enclosed as if they were in a carrycot. Unlike the Bugaboo Bee which really requires a cocoon to keep your newborn from feeling enclosed. Changing from a bassinet to seat is really simple too. Just a few clips to fasten behind the seat unit and your done.
We chose the Smart Lux over the Smart stroller as we like all our strollers to have the option of keeping your child rear/parent facing all the time. Some strollers like the Smart and the Bugaboo Bee are designed for rear facing for just the first 6 months or so and then forward facing from then on as the footplate is part of the chassis so if they rear face they don't have anywhere to put their feet.
In terms of value for money this is a really reaonably priced stroller. At just £367 including the raincover. All Phil and Teds strollers are sold without raincovers but we think that if you live in England it's a must.
The shopping basket is large and really easy to access in both pram and stroller mode.
The Smart Lux can be folded with the seat unit on it, but it is really easy to take off and put back on again so for compactness when folded it's better to take it off.
The canopy has a integral window so you can sneak a peak at your little one when they are in the forward facing position and it also has a zipped in piece of UV mesh for ventilation. You can buy a separate UV/Sun mesh for just £25 which keeps out harmfull UV rays and biting insects but your child can see through.
The lare wheels are air filled so give a nice smooth ride. The front wheels have suspension
The Smart Lux take a car seat too, car seat adaptors cost £35 and allow you to take the Maxi Cosi Pebble Car seat.
The package with all the accessories and car seat (at our special offer price of £120 when bought with a stroller) comes to just £547 or about 50p per day if you child uses it until they are 3! But it can actually carry the weight of an average 4 year old (20kg).
It comes in black with a choice of 3 seat pad colours

For more weright and dimensions see the product on our website.
The Phil& Teds Smart Lux is not available nationwide yet and isn't officially launched until the end of March so you won't see them on the streets yet, but if you want a very reasonably priced birth to toddler travel system, with all the features we think are required in a stroller then this could be for you!
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