Monday 22 September 2014

Relaxation for Childbirth - Free Audio and Booklet Downloads

Relaxation is a key ingredient to a peaceful yet energised birth and can be a major component in having the pregnancy and birth that you want.

Tracy Holloway  is a clinical hypnotherapist specialising in childbirth and fertility. Her Hypnosis recordings for birth preparation are designed to help you relax during pregnancy and to train your subconscious to be relaxed and calm during labour too. These recordings are now available to download for free from the Born website.

Relaxation for Childbirth

Tracy's hypnosis recordings enable you to practice deep relaxation techniques and prepare your mind and body for birth. You can learn how to ‘go within’ and tap into the true wisdom of motherhood.  This is not a new concept, it’s the philosophy of birthing as it was thousands of years ago, as nature intended it to be and as it still is in some cultures.  You can learn to use this inner wisdom to guide you to a place of peace, or even bliss, as you gently breathe your baby into this world. Relax, and learn how to provide the best possible start to your baby’s life.

Tracy’s experience as a therapist has shown that once a women is de-hypnotised of the negative thoughts and fears surrounding birthing, which can of course be her own previous birth trauma or difficulty, or social and cultural constraints, then she is able to naturally tune in to her inherent wisdom and lovingly guide her new-born into the world.

Doing What Comes Naturally

Nature has created a wonderful system of birthing that everyone has access to but for some people their fears, anxieties and negative beliefs get in the way of this process.

Giving birth should be the most wonderful experience in a woman’s life but can easily become stressful and difficult as she imagines and worries about all the things that ‘could’ go wrong.
Why is it within our society that when a women becomes pregnant and shares her great news with friends and family, after saying congratulations they seem to insist on telling her a horror story of how ‘difficult’ childbirth was for them or someone else they know, filling her mind with worry and fear and creating unnecessary anxiety. 
Nature intended for women to be relaxed as they birth, to enjoy this amazing, enriching, empowering experience.

Anxiety Inhibits the Birth Process

Anxious women struggle to give birth naturally as the primitive survival mechanism ‘the fight or flight response’ will interpret the anxiety as a chemical message that tells the body that this is not a ‘safe time or safe place to give birth’ The body will adapt and respond accordingly by stalling the birth process until it receives the chemical message that everything is OK, and it is now safe to proceed.

Deep relaxation can stop anxiety from ever being an issue, and even in challenging circumstances, utilising the power of positive thought can help turn a situation around. A relaxed, positive state of mind will send important chemical messages to the birthing-body supporting labour and birth. The body will produce the right hormones for this to occur, flooding the body with natural anaesthesia (endorphins). The chemical waves, or hormone messengers speak to the baby, letting he/she know that now is a safe time to be born.

How do I use the recordings?

Relaxation can help you create the most empowering environment for yourself and your baby, regardless of where you actually give birth – by accessing the true power of your mind. Learn to guide this unlimited power to support your birthing body.

When it comes to directly and consciously influencing the birth process, sugar coated positivity will not suffice, neither will leave everything until the last minute do, or learning a few positive affirmations and hoping they will see you through.  Releasing deep unconscious fear, and learning to relax fully takes time to learn, and is best practised regularly. This is why audio support such as hypnosis/relaxation for childbirth is so successful.

All you need do is play one of the recordings as you unwind, ready for bed – close your eyes and drift off – it really doesn’t matter if you fall asleep, your powerful subconscious mind is always listening, even whilst you sleep.  Play one every night if you can, and at other times during the day should you need to.

Reported benefits of using hypnosis/deep relaxation for childbirth

• Improved sleep prior to birth and afterwards • Reduction of heartburn
• Control of blood pressure
• Removal of fear and anxiety
• Less need for induction of labour
• Fewer drugs or no drugs mean less risk of side effects on mother and baby
• Shorter labour – resistance of the birthing muscles as a response to pain is minimised or eliminated
• Increased production of oxytocin, the hormone that controls the strength and duration of contractions.  When there is a good supply of oxytocin contractions are comfortable
• An awake energised mother due to total relaxation throughout the birthing process
• A calm peaceful birthing atmosphere
• Breech and posterior babies can be turned using hypnosis
• Fewer interventions and complications during labour
• A plentiful supply of milk
• Babies who sleep and feed better due to fewer drugs in their systems
• Mothers who are less tired and more confident
• Fewer episiotomies and perineal tears
• Calmer more alert babies
• Greater satisfaction with the birth as reported by new mothers

Free Download Links

Born supports the benefit of hypnotherapy for childbirth and so we are ensuring Tracy's recordings are accessible to everyone by giving the downloads away for free.

When you clink on the link, the download will automatically save to your PC. Once downloaded, you can open it in iTunes or other audio player or save it to an MP3 player.  The recordings can also be burned to a CD. If you have an iOs device (iPhone, iPad etc) it will play but will not save.  Do not listen to the recordings when driving or when your attention is required as these recordings are designed to make you sleepy.

Click to download:

1. Relaxation for Childbirth
2. Float Away Stress
3. Worry_Balloons
4. Deep_Trance_Training

Thank you for downloading these Hypnosis for Childbirth recordings. We hope they make a difference to your birth.

Click on the image below to download the accompanying booklet


For further information on the courses and regular broadcasts Tracy offers please visit Tracy

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