Sunday 21 December 2014

Christmassy Activities to do with the Kids!

The last few days before Christmas are often the best bit because there's plenty of anticipation! We've put together a few activities to do with your little ones to help 'channel' that excitement and make you all feel extra Christmassy!

Magic In A Jar

If you're looking for an activity to do with your little ones then how about making fairies (or reindeer magic) in a jar?! It's simple and fun for children of all ages!


1. Cut a glow stick and shake the contents into a jar.

2. Add sparkly glitter

3. Seal the top with a lid.

4. Shake!

The Handprint Tree

A gorgeous keepsake that not only looks Christmassy but captures the handprints of the family to keep!


1. Get messy with paint and hands! Don't forget the yellow prints for a star.

2. Dry, then cut round each print.

3. Stick the prints to a triangle of strong card, with the fingers pointing downwards

4. Add jewels or glitter and the handprint star for the finishing touch!

Christmas Doors

A perfect activity with a toddler, because all the pieces are really big! Try snowmen, chimneys, elves or presents!


1. Choose your door

2. Choose your Christmas character

3. Cut out pieces of coloured card or paper for the face and features

4. Help your little one position with blue tack

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