First thing in the morning after getting dressed apply sunlotion to all exposed skin. At last we have had some decent weather, and long may it continue. Green People Sunscreen is brilliant. The mini tubes are handy for your changing bag and if travelling abroad can go in hand luggage. £3.85 for the little 30ml tube and £15.95 for the large 150ml tube. If you are going somewhere where there are biting insects we recomend using the Lavender sunlotion as this can help to deter them.
Going swimming? Why take lots of disposable swim nappies when you can just take one Happy nappy. Brilliant for swimming pools or the seaside. They can be used again and again and at only £10 will save you money and space in your suitcase.
The Green People After sun helps to keep the skin moisturised and definitely worth putting on in the evening after showering or having a bath with a £4.10 bottle of Earth friendly baby wash. This extra mild but effective bath was is fantastic for the whole family. One bottle and everyone will be sorted. It's great as a shower gel, in the bath and even hand wash.
Grab a carrier and ditch the pushchair. Take a lightweight carrier such as the Ergobaby Stowaway carrier for £94.90. It folds up tiny and is great for getting off the beaten track, plus so much less hassle than a buggy for public transport, not to mention the flight.
If you are going out in the evening and need to protect your baby from mosquito bites these Mosquito Patches are a must at £7 for 24. They contain natural citronella, eucalyptus and citriodora oils. You will need 1 patch per person per night. They really work to deter mosquitos as does the Bug Balm by Tui worth getting and using on the extremities such as ankles and wrists.
For meal times, the Totseat at £25 is a really handy lightweight baby seat that converts any dining chair into a seat for your baby. Suitable from 8 month and folds into a tiny pouch, so fits easily into your changing bag. Use in restaurants, at friends or whenever baby needs to eat.
For sleeping travel cots are great but its much easier just to have baby in bed with you plus you don't have to have extra bedding. If you are going to take one we recommend the Phil & Teds Lightweight Travel Cot shown above. At only just over 3kg it won't take up your entire luggage allowance like some cots do. Also handy as a playpen when you are staying in places that aren't baby proof. Suitable from birth to 3 years. £129.95.
The Bundlebean at just £29.99 is an invaluable baby gadget that will be even more useful on holiday. It's a five in one cover, fantastic for covering up when it gets windy or wet, plus it makes an excellent picnic blanket and changing mat. It can also be used as a blanket in the car or even as a cover on a child's bike seat.
If you do take the pushchair, make sure it's covered with a Shade a babe (£35). They keep the harmful UV rays and insects out, but don't stop baby from enjoying the view.
Have a great holiday!
Love Eva and the Team
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