Monday 10 November 2014

Try Before You Buy! The Avon & Bristol Baby Sling Library at Born

Thinking of buying a baby sling or carrier? Try before you buy, get fitted for a carrier, sling or wrap by experts and find out how to carry your baby or toddler safely and securely. The Avon & Bristol Sling Library is now meeting each month at Born in Bristol.  Have a free one-to-one sling and safety demonstration where you can ask qualified and insured sling consultants questions about wraps, slings and carriers and find out which might be the best for you and your baby.

The sling library is run in conjunction with Carry Me Slings and has a great range of slings and carriers that you can hire for a minimal cost. The sling libraries are run on a voluntary basis and the library is not for profit. The small hire fee covers the cost of purchasing new slings, laundry, training and expenses. The library operates on a community level and their aims are to support all parents with the choice of infant carrying, explaining the benefits and safety.

The Boba 4G Organic Carrier at Born

Details of the Sling Library:

Born, Bristol
64 Gloucester Road
Tel: 0117 924 5080

The first Monday of every month, 9.30am - 11.30am, by appointment only. Next session is on Monday 1st December 2014.

Hire Costs:
Hire costs are £6.00 for a fortnight. We also ask for a cheque deposit of the value of the carrier, which is held until safe return of the carrier and not banked. So please remember to bring your cheque book (or a cash/paypal deposit which can be refunded).

Please phone Born (0117 924 5080) or contact Carry Me Slings (tel: 07846 280720 or email: to book a free appointment or to find out more.  

The ERGObaby 360 Carrier at Born
The Moby Wrap at Born

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, Born! I have done postural back care work with several parents who would have welcomed this chance to try and hire.
    Clare Chapman
