Thursday 20 November 2014

Why is exercising in water good for you through pregnancy?

by Guest Blogger, WaterBumps.

Exercise in water is particularly good in pregnancy as this supportive, buoyant environment enables you to exercise safely by reducing the stress on weight-bearing joints, bones and muscles, while also providing the correct support for your growing bump. It can also help improve circulation, increase muscle tone and build stamina. And you’ll love the feeling of weightlessness you get in water as your pregnancy progresses!

Along with the physical benefits, exercise has emotional and physiological benefits too. It boosts the release of endorphins, giving you a stronger sense of well-being, better sleep patterns and higher energy levels – all of which will help you to relax and cope with the changes that pregnancy brings.

If you’ve been a regular swimmer before your pregnancy then you should be able to continue with your usual weekly swims. However, even if you have not previously swum much, swimming is a great – and safe - way to start exercising and staying fit. Begin slowly and build up the length of your swims gradually, making sure you warm up and cool down and that each session lasts no longer than 30 minutes. If your preferred stroke is breaststroke, you’ll need to make a few changes to ensure any pelvic pain or instability isn’t aggravated – so focus more on lengthening the glide and not kicking with your legs.

Water-based exercise classes designed specifically for pregnant women are popular as they also teach breathing techniques and skills that can prepare your body for each stage of pregnancy - and eventually labour and birth. The teachers will have undergone specialist training and will be able to adapt the class each week as your needs change. These classes are also a great way to meet other mums-to-be and help start to build an invaluable support network that could carry on after your little one’s been born. 

About WaterBumps

WaterBumps offers blissful, pool-based, pre and post natal classes using gentle toning and strengthening exercises, as well as times of relaxation, helping you to cope better with the demands of pregnancy. At WaterBumps we offer a free taster class to anybody new enquiring about classes.

Where and when

Penny Porter Physiotherapy Centre, Henbury, near Bristol:
  • Monday 6.30pm & 7.15pm 
  • Wednesday 6.30pm 
Private house, Wraxall, near Bristol:
  • Thursday 7.30pm 

Please phone WaterBumps on 07527 424 072 or email: to book your free taster class. To find out more visit: 

Don't forget to check out Aqua Yoga for Pregnancy by Francoise Freedman - available in store at Born.

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