When you newborn arrives it's not only a wonderful and unique time it's also a period when many of us have an almost overpowering desire to want to capture and record every single moment. The first yawn, the first stretch, the first holding of your finger - I know when we had Jacob, our second child, that pretty much all of the delivery was captured!
So it's only natural, given the uniqueness of the experience to try and make sure any photographs you do take of your baby or toddler are wonderful photographs that do your baby justice.
At Born we take the odd shot but none of us are budding David Baileys, so we've asked Melanie from the fabulous babyMe Photography to offer us all some easy tips on how to take awesome baby photographs.
Melanie East is a highly acclaimed specialist maternity and newborn photographer, and founded the highly successful babyME Photography® based in Bristol. Melanie's images combine the beauty of new life with absolutely stunning photography.
So here Melanie gives you some tips on how you can take great photographs of your baby during that first year.
1. Get right down to your babies level - this will illustrate baby's perspective and means that he won't be constantly looking up at you.
2. Taking close ups of your baby's hands and feet will capture the detail, and there's nothing cuter than baby toes!
3. When choosing where to photograph your baby, choose somewhere without background clutter, you want the focus of the photograph to be on your baby, not on the television in the background...
4. Light will make or break a photograph - turn the flash off on your camera, and photograph your baby during the day time - place him or her by a window and use natural light. If you are photographing him outside, then if its a sunny day, maybe choose a spot under a shady tree to avoid your baby squinting.
5. Pop out from behind the camera to talk or sing to your baby - if your baby can see you that will elicit expression and those cute baby smiles
6. Photograph during your baby's "happy time", which you will probably find is when she has a full tummy and has had a nap.
7. Think about photographing your baby at more unusual times, such as when he is asleep, as these sorts of shots can be very peaceful and serene. You want to capture all of your baby's life, not just when she's awake and smiling.
8. Don't forget to take documentary photos of all your baby's favourite niknaks - their favourite teddy, the nursery, and that rocking chair that your Dad lovingly restored. All the memories of a baby's life, not just the images where your baby is the centre of the shot.
9. It may be considered naff by some, but you can't beat embarrassing her at her 18th birthday by bring out the picture of her in a Santa hat!
10. Lastly, but clearly not least, make sure you visit a professional baby photographer at least once in your baby's first year. These are the days that you'll never get back and however hard you follow these tips, you're not going to achieve what years of training and skill will capture. babyME Photography® offer "the babyME plan" - which is a beautiful and unrepeatable memory.
To see Melanie's website visit here. It's well worth it! and why not become a fan of her facebook page
[...] You can read Melanie’s tips here [...]