Our Bristol store was overtaken on Wednesday by mums, babies and lots of cloth nappy chat for our nappuccino. We loved it! In fact, we've put a few photos up on our Facebook page.
Andrea from itti bitti came to answer questions and take mums through the range. She also gave everyone an itti bitti wet bag with a Rockin' Green detergent sample inside and we ran a special offer on itti bitti tuttos.
Bristol Cloth Nappy Library was also there, setting up a display with just about every nappy you could wish to explore and answering more general questions that our nappuccino mums had. The Library is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping parents get started with cloth.
Quite a range of mums were present, from mums who'd never tried cloth nappies to real nappy veterans. We got some muffins and biscuits out, poured the teas and coffees and generally had a fun, fluffy morning.
That's not it for the nappuccino fun though. London is next. The itti bitti nappuccino hits our London store at 11.30am on Wednesday 14th November. See the Facebook event for more details and see you there!
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