Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know some of these practitioners in a personal as well as professional capacity and they are, I believe, at the top of their game because not only do they work one-to-one but are also trainers, sharing their years of experience with a whole new generation of practitioners. So it with great pleasure that I introduce our Expert Partners who will be posting articles regular on our Blog and can be found in the Expert Partners Category.
As well as these core writers we will also have posts from guest writers on particular subjects I feel worth sharing.
Our Expert Partners:
Tracy Holloway
I can’t quite remember how I met Tracy, it was probably when she teaching her Hypnobabies courses. That was probably about 9 years ago. Since then Tracy has been a familiar voice on my i-phone, sending me to sleep almost every night with her meditations and broadcasts on a huge range of subjects. Tracy was one of the first people who taught me about the power of the subconscious mind and how although we ‘think’ we are in charge, it’s actually our subconscious that is running the show. Through meditation and techniques that Tracy teaches on her Life Upgrade course we can learn to rein in our subconscious and get it to work in our favour. What I love about what Tracy shares is the simplicity of it. I agree with her that it should be fun being here, and when you see the world from that point of view stuff shows up to confirm it. I’m really excited that she will be sharing her insights, wisdom and (other) worldly knowledge with us in her blog posts.
Juliana Houndsfield
Co-Founder of the Family Practice Osteopaths with her husband Nic Houndsfield, also an Osteopath who is on The General Osteopathic Council. Not just called the family practice because they are joined by Nic’s Osteopath sister Wendy, but because they treat whole families from babies in utero, children and adults of all ages. During their family clinic Juliana and Nic treat newborn babies for their post birth check (something I think is essential for all babies regardless of the kind of birth they have) and also babies with ailments such as colic and reflux. During pregnancy ailments such as heart-burn, joint and ligament pain, PSD and general aches and pains can usually be aided by an osteopathic treatment. It can also be useful in turning a transverse or breech baby if there is space to allow.
Amanda Rayment
Along with Suzanne I first met Amanda when the two of them and Dominique set up the Holistic Birth Trust. Maya was a baby when I volunteered to help them at a centre where they held regular mum and baby practitioner clinics. When we set up Born, Amanda approached us to sell her Welcome World herbal teas which have been a firm favourite with our customers ever since. Amanda also makes an amazing herbal breastfeeding tincture that is brilliant for increasing milk supply or re-establishing breastfeeding after a break. It is often recommended to mums with premature babies in NICU to help increase their milk supply for expressing. Amanda is also a trainer of ante-natal teachers with a current training programme run in partnership with Relaxed Birth and Parenting.
Dominique Sakoilsky
Dominique was the first person I met on coming to Bristol when I was pregnant with Maya who spoke any sense about pregnancy and birth. She trained with Janet Balaskas as an Active Birth Teacher and runs training programmes for Doulas and Ante-natal teacher with Janet, Amanda and her Relaxed Birth and Parenting Partner Louise Bennet. Dom published her first book ‘7 secrets of a Joyful Birth’ in 2012. The book is a must read for any expectant couples wanting to prepare mentaly for the birth of their baby and for the changes it brings in a couples relationship. It's an area often forgotton about when a baby comes along, but as a Relate relationship counsellor, it's one that Dom is well trained in.
April Whincop
When I had Maya my personal goal was to breastfeed for at least a year. What I found though was that was way above the average length of time any of my peers were breastfeeding for and anything over 6 months was classed as ‘long term’. Luckily Dominique told me about La Leche League were I met April. These groups were incredibly supportive of my choice to continue breastfeeding and just being around other mothers for whom breastfeeding past a year was normal felt great. We recommend every pregnant woman to April and advise to keep her card ‘just in case’. I had one customer refer her, I thought rather aptly as ‘the Mary Poppins of breastfeeding’. As well as giving private 1-to-1 support April trains breastfeeding Peer supporters all around Bristol. April can be found at Believe in Breastfeeding.
Suzanne Yates
Suzanne has trained people all over the world in Shiatsu for pregnancy and is the ‘go-to’ person for the NHS too as it’s now widely used in hospital labour wards. She published her book ‘Shiatsu for Midwives’ 10 years ago on which I’m on the cover! Shiatsu is a lovely form of healing touch which can be received fully clothed. I met Suzanne whilst volunteering for the Holistic Birth Trust and enjoyed Shiatsu treatments from her students when I was pregnant with Jacob. Her book 'Beautiful Birth' is a lovely book for couples to enjoy in preparation for their baby’s birth and for parenthood. Suzanne is the founder of Well Mother Shiatsu and massage
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