We set out to be different. Not selling things we felt people really didn't need and choosing products that were 'best in class' and things that we ourselves would want to use. 13 years ago we struggled to find suppliers to fulfill our buying remit. Now we are spoilt for choice, which is a good thing, because it means that suppliers are more conscious of how products are made and the people who make them. It means our stores and web site are now heaving, and Bristol looks very different from the picture above.
One thing we've always been really selective about is our choice of pushchairs. The factories they are made in are of paramount importance. Why would we sell a pushchair made by a child or someone in forced labour? The reality is that there are still companies for whom the morality of this is not an issue, but for us it definitely is. As is the materials they are made of. Unfortunately due OTT British safety standards our strollers and cots are laden with unnecessary chemical fire retardants. That's why when Orbit Baby Strollers came along we were very excited to know about their commitment to avoid using these chemical in their strollers. They are the 'Worlds Greenest Stroller'. So we were very excited when they said to us that they wanted to celebrate their UK launch by giving away a pushchair to one of our lucky customers, to highlight just how eco friendly their brand is.
Last year Orbit Baby were bought by Ergobaby, the manufacturers of brilliant baby carriers. They are also the brand that is most similar to us in its ethos. They don't just sell carriers and pushchairs, they are promoting an ethical and heart centered parenting lifestyle, and one that leaves behind a legacy which our children and future generations will be proud of. For us it's fitting that we get to celebrate our birthday by launching a competition with them.
In the next few days we'll be sending out information on how you can be in with a chance to win an Orbit G2 Stroller. To make sure you get that email you need to be on our mailing list. Go to our home page and fill in your email address in the box at the bottom of the page.
~ Eva
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