A new mother pampering kit by Natalia. All new mothers deserve a little luxury and should be encouraged to have a nice, unwinding bath regularly.
A multi-functional and incredibly comfortable feeding top from Boob. Designed to cover up a new mum's tummy while she's feeding.
Some gift vouchers from Born. You can use these online to shop while sitting on the sofa feeding. Alternatively, you could make a home-made voucher booklet for gifts of time and energy, like an hour of cleaning, home-cooked meals, a good foot rub. This is a great gift for a close friend or sister.
A nice book to read about mothering. What Mothers Do by Naomi Stadlen is reassuring and helps mothers feel more comfortable in their new role. (Naomi also runs groups in our London shop)
A comfortable sling to help her get out and about - either a Moby or a Caboo?
A beautiful blanket, to keep both her and her baby warm during night feeds.
Some herbal teas, plus a cute teapot to go with them - and some cakes! Or you could add a regular veg box delivery. It's more healthy than just cakes and if you chip in and get with a bunch of friends you can often get quite generous boxes that include eggs, milk etc.
The ultimate gift - an Olliella chair. It will last forever and looks beautiful in any room.
A great changing bag is useful. Avoiding carrying one of those horror mummy bags is always a plus.
10. A cleaning lady. Many firms will do a big house clean or come for a few hours several times a week. This could mean more to the new mum in your life than you know!
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