Question: Can herbal teas and baths be of assistance when we are experiencing our baby or toddler having restless, inconsistent sleep patterns?
So my answer to the question is yes! I am not going to tell you herbs are a magic wand and that with one cup of tea all our so called difficulties are going to dissolve. For a start how is that empowering? What I have discovered in the many years of working as a herbal practitioner is that we can be open to using herbs as a signpost or a tool of focus to remind us what is our natural, true nature; that being love. Whenever we are experiencing difficulties, it is usually because we believe things should be different in some way.
I am not making light of these experiences, we all love deep sleep, it is restful and restorative. So let us remember mother and baby both love deep sleep, so now we have a shared interest. Now we can bring our full attention to the situation, mother and baby both benefit from restful sleep. There is a simplicity and ease in shared interests and a letting go off any hard done by thoughts, or one or the other benefits.
What a blessing this herb is! Catnip is such a gentle and reassuring herb, encouraging the body’s tensions and restlessness to relax. Whispering to the body that all is well and it is safe to rest back. Catnip has an overall calming effect, reminding us of the deep stillness within all of us no matter what the appearances are; a wonderful mother and baby herb.
How could this herb not be a mother’s ally? When brewed as a tea the smell of honey and almonds arises, such a sweet reassuring aroma. Meadowsweet has a gentle deep action which assists relaxing the digestive system. I always turn to this herb for any symptoms of colic or teething and combined with the blessings of catnip there is even more reassurance for the body to relax.
This is probably one of the most well known and well loved herbs for assisting sleep patterns. Again this is a herb that gentle soothes and relaxes any restlessness. Reassuring us that it is natural to rest back and let go into deep sustained sleep.
Use any of these herbs as a single tea or in the Welcome Worlds Baby Ease tea. As a breastfeeding mother the benefits will be shared with your baby through your milk. The tea will gently support both of you to find your own natural rhythm of resting back into sleep patterns that sustain and nourish. With each sip of tea let it remind you to rest back and receive the sense of wellbeing and relaxation that is your natural nature.
Any tea can also be used as a bath and what a lovely way to start sleep time with a fragrant relaxing herb bath. Simply place a teaspoon of herbs in a jug and brew for a little longer than drinking tea. Strain and add to bath water.
For mothers experiencing lack of sleep I would also sing the praises of my favourite herb oat straw, this wonderful herb not only supports the nervous system through deeply nourishing and restoring. It has a normalizing function for the whole physiology when it is under stress. It whispers to me of self kindness, self love, which of course will include love of others. As always the answers are within our hearts as to what works best for our family, for some all sharing the same bed while the child wakes in the night, for others another way speaks to them. Routines for some, letting go of all routine for others, no right way or wrong way simply the most loving for you and your baby. If the herbal teas speak to you, enjoy and may they be of assistance to you.
With love, Amanda
Private appointments are available with Amanda, contact via her Welcome World website. Teas are available to buy from Born. Amanda is also able to offer herbal support for breastfeeding inclusing a tincture to increase milk supply. ~ Eva
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