The abdomen is a part of the body that many of us pay little attention to, unless we experience pain and discomfort in this area or are not happy with its appearance. However, the abdomen contains many of our vital organs and in women, the reproductive organs too. Therefore, health of the abdomen contributes greatly to wellbeing.
Many women experience intense pain and heavy bleeding before and during menstruation but believe that this is ‘normal’ and something that they must endure. However, symptoms such as PMS, cramps, clotting and irregular cycles are in fact signs of imbalance and in many cases result from misalignment of the abdominal organs. This is also true for many digestive disorders. Due to the close proximity of the abdominal organs and tissues, which share common neural pathways, improper alignment of any of the organs can result in stagnation and congestion elsewhere. Digestion, fertility and immunity are closely linked.
Indigenous cultures all over the world have recognized the importance of this area of the body and as a result, have long since practiced some form of abdominal massage to support health and wellbeing. Abdominal-Sacral massage, rooted in the Mayan tradition, is a specialised form of abdominal massage. It combines many healing techniques to address a broad range of health conditions relating to the digestive, reproductive and urinary systems of the body.
This gentle yet effective massage of the abdomen, lower back and sacrum works to realign and nourish the abdominal organs, releasing pressure and congestion and strengthening the surrounding muscles and ligaments. This in turn improves blood circulation, lymph flow and nerve impulses. Toxins are flushed from the tissues and hormonal balance is supported.
The massage technique effectively encourages elimination from the digestive tract, promoting healthy bowel movement and toning the intestines. With 80 % of the Immune system residing here, optimising digestive health has wide reaching benefits.
For women, misalignment of the uterus can contribute to infertility and many other reproductive problems including painful periods, ovarian cysts, hormonal imbalance and congestion. Held in place by ligaments in order to allow expansion during pregnancy, this relatively mobile organ is easily displaced. However, the good news is that often when the misalignment is corrected, symptoms clear up and healthier cycles result.
Abdominal-Sacral massage is highly recommended prior to conception, as it can enhance egg health and prepares the uterus for implantation. It is also beneficial postpartum, especially following a Caesarian section as it restores the proper positioning of the uterus, supporting ligaments and surrounding organs. Furthermore, the massage helps to break down scar tissue and adhesions, improving the quality and health of the uterine lining. In cases of prolapse the massage lifts the uterus, thereby reducing pressure on the bladder and pelvic floor and strengthening the tissues.
As you can see, the benefits of the massage are numerous and many seemingly unrelated symptoms clear up as this area of the body is given some much needed care and attention. Abdominal-Sacral massage is calming to the nervous system, deeply nourishing and all in all, reestablishes greater equilibrium of mind, body and Spirit.
Should you decide to book a massage, please mention this article and you will receive a £10 discount off the cost of a full price session. Offer valid for bookings made before April 1st 2013.
* The discount above, is always made available to women during the first three months postpartum.*
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