One of the comments I regularly hear from parents is 'I'm worried about
my baby sleeping in a sling'. This concern comes from a culturally
taught notion that 'good' babies sleep in their cots, in their rooms, by
themselves. All other sleep, be it napping in the buggy or sling, or
the inevitable crashing out in the car seat just as you pull into the
parking space at the supermarket, is 'Not Real Sleep'. Many so-called
sleep experts advise against lettingyour baby sleep anywhere except in a darkened room, safely bundled up in their crib. Woe betide the parent who actually relaxes about where their child sleeps!
Whilst I don't advocate a completely anarchic attitude towards babies' sleep - we actually suffered from being naively laissez-faire with our first-born, with some unpleasant consequences - babies can, and will, fall asleep when they are tired. Some babies may fight sleep, some babies may need a large amount of parental input to fall asleep, but they will eventually fall asleep. One of the keys to having a baby who falls asleep with relative ease is, as a parent, to relax about the details of where and how they DO fall asleep. Easier said than done when you are almost shaking with exhaustion and would saw off your own arm for just an hour to yourself - to shower, drink a HOT cup of tea or coffee, eat. Or even sleep yourself.