Whilst I don't advocate a completely anarchic attitude towards babies' sleep - we actually suffered from being naively laissez-faire with our first-born, with some unpleasant consequences - babies can, and will, fall asleep when they are tired. Some babies may fight sleep, some babies may need a large amount of parental input to fall asleep, but they will eventually fall asleep. One of the keys to having a baby who falls asleep with relative ease is, as a parent, to relax about the details of where and how they DO fall asleep. Easier said than done when you are almost shaking with exhaustion and would saw off your own arm for just an hour to yourself - to shower, drink a HOT cup of tea or coffee, eat. Or even sleep yourself.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Baby Slings and Sleep
Whilst I don't advocate a completely anarchic attitude towards babies' sleep - we actually suffered from being naively laissez-faire with our first-born, with some unpleasant consequences - babies can, and will, fall asleep when they are tired. Some babies may fight sleep, some babies may need a large amount of parental input to fall asleep, but they will eventually fall asleep. One of the keys to having a baby who falls asleep with relative ease is, as a parent, to relax about the details of where and how they DO fall asleep. Easier said than done when you are almost shaking with exhaustion and would saw off your own arm for just an hour to yourself - to shower, drink a HOT cup of tea or coffee, eat. Or even sleep yourself.
Becy Ward,
Big Mama Slings,
Sling wearing
Monday, 25 February 2013
Milk alternatives
In the news recently I read about the high bidding that has been going on with formula milks. As someone interested in the food I feed my children I know that there are alternatives to formula milk in a can when babies are old enough to be on solid foods. I remember talking to Herbalist Amanda Rayment about this when Maya was about 9 months old and I was going through a rough patch with breastfeeding. I felt like I wasn't producing enough milk. One of the thingswe talked about was using Almond Milk as a drink and to mix with foods. However I never needed to in the end as the tincture I got from her worked amazingly well to boost my supply.
This recent news story made me realise that most people don't realise that there are alternatives to canned formula milk so I asked Amanda to share her knowledge. She has written a useful Blog about Almond Milk and how to make it. I would add to this that the almond meal makes great cookies! There are loads of recipes online for these. I've also used the milk myself and it makes a great milk for cereals and smoothies. Just tip in some fruit (bananas, berries) blend and drink.
I'm not a vegetarian but do question our dependence on cows milk for protein and calcium. So often we are told you need to eat cheese or drink milk to produce breastmilk and for healthy teeth and bones. But cows don't drink another mammals milk to get their calcium to produce milk, they eat calcium and protein rich grass. Green vegetables and nuts and seeds are rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins and are also absorbed better, and don't have side effects such as increased mucous production. So perhaps we could do with re-educating and empowering ourselves about alternatives to dairy and get ourselves and our children eating our own formulas rather than those of multinational companies.
Here is the link to Amanda's Blog, look out for more Blogs about this subject soon. Subscribe via the box on the right so you don't miss out. Amanda also offers telephone and in-person consultations from Clifton, Bristol.
~ Eva
[caption id="attachment_2453" align="alignright" width="481"]
Cow with her calf surrounded by protein and calcium rich grass.[/caption]
This recent news story made me realise that most people don't realise that there are alternatives to canned formula milk so I asked Amanda to share her knowledge. She has written a useful Blog about Almond Milk and how to make it. I would add to this that the almond meal makes great cookies! There are loads of recipes online for these. I've also used the milk myself and it makes a great milk for cereals and smoothies. Just tip in some fruit (bananas, berries) blend and drink.
I'm not a vegetarian but do question our dependence on cows milk for protein and calcium. So often we are told you need to eat cheese or drink milk to produce breastmilk and for healthy teeth and bones. But cows don't drink another mammals milk to get their calcium to produce milk, they eat calcium and protein rich grass. Green vegetables and nuts and seeds are rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins and are also absorbed better, and don't have side effects such as increased mucous production. So perhaps we could do with re-educating and empowering ourselves about alternatives to dairy and get ourselves and our children eating our own formulas rather than those of multinational companies.
Here is the link to Amanda's Blog, look out for more Blogs about this subject soon. Subscribe via the box on the right so you don't miss out. Amanda also offers telephone and in-person consultations from Clifton, Bristol.
~ Eva
[caption id="attachment_2453" align="alignright" width="481"]
Amanda Rayment,
baby milk,
formula milk,
formula milk on ebay,
Sunday, 17 February 2013
"If I could get a decent night's sleep, I'd be a much better mother!"
[caption id="attachment_2413" align="alignleft" width="480"]
Photo from http://mommygreenest.com[/caption]
by April Whincop, IBC Lactation Consultant.
These are the words of women who want to be the best mothers they can be for their babies. A so-called solution to the challenge of the 'broken' nights - an idea often fed into them by unworthy gurus - is to 'help' their babies to sleep longer.
But let's listen to the wordless ones, to the other side of the sleep story. What would our babies be saying if they could speak?
by April Whincop, IBC Lactation Consultant.
These are the words of women who want to be the best mothers they can be for their babies. A so-called solution to the challenge of the 'broken' nights - an idea often fed into them by unworthy gurus - is to 'help' their babies to sleep longer.
But let's listen to the wordless ones, to the other side of the sleep story. What would our babies be saying if they could speak?
April Whicop,
Guest Bloggers,
La Leche League
Friday, 15 February 2013
Herbs for Relaxation and Sleep by Amanda Rayment Master Herbalist
I was delighted to receive Eva’s invitation to write for Born’s blog, one because I love to sing the praises of how herbal teas are a mothers ally and equally important to say yes to Eva. Born has developed into a service and resource that offers huge support to parents and in my opinion can be trusted by parents. Love Amanda

Question: Can herbal teas and baths be of assistance when we are experiencing our baby or toddler having restless, inconsistent sleep patterns?
Question: Can herbal teas and baths be of assistance when we are experiencing our baby or toddler having restless, inconsistent sleep patterns?
Amanda Rayment,
Master herbalist,
welcome world teas
Abdominal-Sacral Massage - by Natalie McGrorty
The abdomen is a part of the body that many of us pay little attention to, unless we experience pain and discomfort in this area or are not happy with its appearance. However, the abdomen contains many of our vital organs and in women, the reproductive organs too. Therefore, health of the abdomen contributes greatly to wellbeing.
Many women experience intense pain and heavy bleeding before and during menstruation but believe that this is ‘normal’ and something that they must endure. However, symptoms such as PMS, cramps, clotting and irregular cycles are in fact signs of imbalance and in many cases result from misalignment of the abdominal organs. This is also true for many digestive disorders. Due to the close proximity of the abdominal organs and tissues, which share common neural pathways, improper alignment of any of the organs can result in stagnation and congestion elsewhere. Digestion, fertility and immunity are closely linked.
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
The Joolz Day Tokyo Limited Edition Stroller
Joolz Day Tokyo stroller,
Product Reviews,
Introducing the Bugaboo Buffalo
This week Bugaboo launched to retailers its brand new stroller. The Bugaboo Buffalo is the 4th stroller in the Bugaboo family, positioned as an 'off-road' stroller - a distinct and very different pushchair from the others. The Bee+ is definitely the nimble city stroller, fantastic for the bus or tube. The Cameleon is exactly that, a city stroller but with the off-road capacity should you need it; it's the multicoloured fabric combinations that really earn it its name. The Donkey launched a couple of years ago and is the work horse of the family, carrying twins or siblings with ease.
bugaboo buffalo,
Product Reviews
Friday, 8 February 2013
On the Birth of Musings on Mothering - By Teika Bellamy
La Leche League are an organisation that is very dear to me. It was a haven of sense when Maya was a baby. I felt around friends and in fact it's where I met Becky 5 years late when our boys were babies.
This compilation of stories and poems, complied by Teika Bellamy is the kind of thing you keep on your feeding chair. Breastfeeding is a great opportunity to catch up on reading and this book also makes a mother feel good about the great work she is doing.
~ Eva
On the Birth of Musings on Mothering - By Teika Bellamy
About five years ago, when my daughter was approaching her first birthday, I picked up the telephone and called my local La Leche League Leader to find out about meetings. The Leader (the wonderful Rachel O’Leary) was friendly and helpful, and I was excited to learn that the group ran toddler meetings alongside their normal meetings and so I counted down the days to that first meeting.
Little did I know then that that phone call would set an alternative life path beneath my feet…
This compilation of stories and poems, complied by Teika Bellamy is the kind of thing you keep on your feeding chair. Breastfeeding is a great opportunity to catch up on reading and this book also makes a mother feel good about the great work she is doing.
~ Eva
On the Birth of Musings on Mothering - By Teika Bellamy
About five years ago, when my daughter was approaching her first birthday, I picked up the telephone and called my local La Leche League Leader to find out about meetings. The Leader (the wonderful Rachel O’Leary) was friendly and helpful, and I was excited to learn that the group ran toddler meetings alongside their normal meetings and so I counted down the days to that first meeting.
Little did I know then that that phone call would set an alternative life path beneath my feet…
Thursday, 7 February 2013
What does a Doula do? by Catherine Waters, Relaxed Birth & ParentingDoula
“It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover.” Henri PoincarĂ©
I first heard the term Doula when I was newly pregnant with my third child. I did some research, and was struck by what a good idea it seemed, 'to mother the mother'.
I went on to have my third baby at home, a beautifully simple birth.
Friday, 1 February 2013
Summer is on the way - honestly!
One of the highlights of my working week is when the new season's clothing arrives. It is just like Christmas - even though I spend quite a bit of time selecting the items, six months has passed since I last saw them so it's always a bit of a surprise when they are unpacked; I also feel nervous waiting for the reaction from staff and customers. Have I chosen well? Do they like the range? Sometimes I will love an item and everyone else hates it - the dreaded 'Marmite' effect.
Baby Clothing,
Product Reviews,
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